I have found it! What is basically the online historical costuming shop of my dreams: Nehelenia Patterns.
Maybe you have heard of this treasure trove, but I have lived for too long in total ignorance of it's existence.
It is such a thrill to find a website filled with delights, especially delights that you have never found anywhere else! And especially when they are the historical costuming kind. That is what Nehelenia Patterns is. They are located in Germany, so the shipping isn't the most economical for us overseas customers, but it is reasonable, especially now while the exchange rate of Euro to the dollar is quite good! Only $1.10-1.20 per 1 Euro. (Now if only the British Pound could be that good...)
This website has popped up several times during the last few months as I have searched for historical patterns, so I occasionally visited it's pattern pages. I found quite a comprehensive collection of historical patterns all gathered together in one place, which is rare in itself, but it wasn't until last week that I truly realized just how many wonderfully unique goods they actually have. I kept gleefully exclaiming as I found page after page containing things like corset laces, 10-meter lengths of boning, cutters for boning, period jewelry, chatelaines, handcrafted paper, cotton lace and ribbon, silk ribbon that doesn't cost an arm and a leg, thin white-striped cotton muslin, 17th and 18th century busks, hats, patterns from ancient times to the twentieth century, and so much more! And all in one place! That is one of the most exciting things about my discovery. I love for my resources to all be organized in one place. (This is why, at least in my case, Pinterest can be so addicting...)
Being the midst of an ambition sewing streak, I got caught up in the excitement and bought a few necessities for my 1850s corset. My busk, boning and laces arrived this week, in a box covered with German stamps and customs stickers. :)
I hope you all will browse their lovely site and enjoy it as much as I have! It is simple to navigate, and there are pictures of nearly everything, with helpful descriptions of each item. They also take PayPal, making the buying process nice and simple.
You can find them here: Nehelenia Patterns
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