Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Typical Adventure of Unwinding

People have different ways to unwind after being under stress of any sort, and my way to unwind usually involves being alone and a historical and/or fictional world (often with tea). Today involved a trip to the fabric store by myself to stock up on some historical patterns - especially since Hancock Fabrics was selling five Simplicity patterns for five dollars! Ending today! (So obviously I had to go.)

patterns, Victorian, Georgian, 18th century, Downton Abbey

I felt much more relaxed when I came home, of course. And listening to the 'North and South' soundtrack certainly did nothing to hinder the relaxing process. :) (I found it years ago uploaded online and burnt it onto my own CD - it's not the official one, sadly, because as far as I know, there is no official soundtrack, to my continual chagrin.)

I went in to buy the 18th century pattern, since it includes some version of a pannier hoop. I'm not sure how historically exact it is, but for $1 I'm willing to give it a try. The Victorian pattern caught my eye now that I've decided to begin a Victorian wardrobe, so I thought I might as well grab it. Then of course who could pass up a pattern based on Downton Abbey? ;)

I am in the midst of my second bout of unwinding today, drinking my cup of black tea, eating my attempt at seed cake (as in what Bilbo Baggins eats) and reading my current favorite book, 'North and South' by the talented Mrs. Gaskell. After I've watched the end of the miniseries of that same name... (Yes, you all know what I mean: the Train Station. ;) )

My new artistic hobby is the quick and (in theory) easy mug customizing that I discovered via Pinterest. Someone had a brilliant design idea that I stole for myself, and you can see the result here.

mug, Sharpie, North and South, quote

Mr. Thornton, North and South, quote

The result is rather different and less perfect than what's on Pinterest, but it's good enough for me! I'm rather proud of the sad little illustration on the other side, since it was all my own invention (and since I'm keeping it to myself and not giving it to anyone...). It only costs a dollar if you have a Sharpie, and takes a mere 1/2 an hour in a 425 F oven (plus allowing it to cool).

If you'd like to make your own, simply follow these steps:
  1. Find a cup and clean off the surface with rubbing alcohol.
  2. Write and/or draw on the cup (be aware that most Sharpie brand colors change, usually lightening considerably; I've heard that Bic brand markers basically retain their color).
  3. Place the mug in an unheated oven, turn it on to 425, and set the timer for 30 minutes (including the time it takes for the oven to heat up).
  4. When the timer goes off, turn off the oven and leave the mug inside until it's cool enough to handle (it takes about 1 1/2 hours in my oven to cool).
It's just a fun way to customize a mug for yourself. I know my mind is swirling with ideas and quotes to put on my next one, but I can't decide which one to use!

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